Do you know? In each lighting environment, our systems have different reactions. The luminaires can integrate with the remote control system to operate either in stand-alone mode, autonomous network or an inter-operable network. Dimming scenarios and light on demand features including sensors can adapt the lighting to the real needs of the place and the time to ensure safety and well-being in the most sustainable way.


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Intelligent “follow me” lighting of vehicle pathway for path illumination without compromising driving visual comfort and lighting level standard

“All round 10m radius auto light up” model upon motion detection.

By setting precise dimming profile at various times of the night at various days of the week

1. Providing necessary lighting level

2. Addressing security concerns

3. Minimizing unnecessary lighting

Avoid sudden light up “shock” when activated by motion and ensure maximum visual comfort by setting the

1. Hold time

2. Dimming up and dimming down time

Make use of the availability of natural light to adjust lighting level while achieving the necessary lighting level

Using Photocell sensors to detect the amount of sunlight available and adjust lighting output accordingly.

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1. Eliminate need for manual inspection and reduce complaints through auto alert of exact light failure and location

2. Address faulty light in 1 trip by identifying exact faulty light and its necessary spare parts required for onsite repair

3. Ensure timely light repair is followed through via “time sensitive” task reporting and escalation protocol

Easy generation of health status of lightings, energy usage and savings report with a few clicks of the mouse.

Spot unusual activities through heat map studies, eg:
• Potential unlawful gatherings
• Potential illegal activities

Wireless Mesh Network Platform allows connection to other devices for real-time remote monitoring and management

Eg: Carbon dioxide sensors, Carbon monoxide sensors, Dry contact fire alarm systems

Eliminate the need for laborious regular physical testing of Emergency Lightings with the option of Smart Wireless Emergency Battery Automatic Test Unit


• Around 15% of total carpark lightings require emergency battery packs

2000 carpark lightings require 300 lightings with emergency battery packs

• Facility operators need to open the weatherproof fitting to access the emergency lighting test button; 300 times

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Open to display connectivity between individual devices

• Individual controller operates independently of Gateway

• Wireless communication based on 100% AES encrypted 2.4GHz with bandwidth for IoT implementation

• The Mesh is autonomously organized and ensures a secured operation even if the Cloud is not available

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